We can accept payment through Paypal, Visa Card, Master Card. We only charge the exact money that you can see on the detailed product pages. If you pay by a credit card, you may be charged more than the product’s price. The extra money was charged by the transaction system as the transaction fee as long as customers are paying overseas by credit cards. We use the transaction system to guarantee the funds safety of our customers and us, so it is safe to place an order on our website.
Besides, if you are charged twice or more for two or more orders which are the same, we will ask you whether to ship them out all or just make refund for the extra orders. If your orders are not successful, then your money won’t be charged by us. It is still in the bank, you have to contact your card bank.
We use state-of-the-art encryption technology to protect your credit card/personal information. You can place your order(s) using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. So every online transaction you make on our web will be 100% safe.
Do I need to pay the sales tax? Generally you don’t have to. There are no sales taxes or hidden charges to pay on our side when you buy on our web. However, you may need to pay some taxes on your local side when you receive the goods. It depends on what country you are in and depends on the Customs of your country.
Friendly Notice:
If your payment is declined, please check about whether your card can be paid overseas or whether the card information can be matched with the billing information. Do you have enough balance in your card? You can ask your card bank for help. You can also change other cards to try again. Please feel assured that you won’t be charged if the payment doesn’t go through.
If you saw your account was charged but your order didn't go through, please don't worry. The money is still in the bank and will be returned to your card by the bank later.